The Mathemagix glue mechanism


New functionality can be added to Mathemagix using the “glue” mechanism. There are two typical types of glue:

  1. The user has written a new C++ class or a new C++ template class, and would like to use this class from withing the interpreter.
  2. The user has written an interface to an external software which comes with its own language and typesystem. In this case, one would like to have an automatic mechanism for making the functionality of the external software available from within Mathemagix.

In both cases, the user has to write a “glue definition routine”, which declares the functionality provided by the glue, using a standard API. This routine can then be called from some central point (at startup or when loading a dynamically linked glue library) in order to make the glue functionality available from within the current evaluator.

2.Gluing C++ classes

2.1.A simple example

Let us first consider writing a glue definition routine for a simple C++ class named color. Assume also that the color class comes with two routines which we wish to export to Mathemagix:

color named_color (const string& name);

color invert_color (const color& c);

Then the glue definition routine for color typically looks as follows:


define_color () {

define_type<always,color> ("Color");

define<always> ("named_color", named_color);

define<always> ("invert", invert_color);


The define_type instruction exports the type color to Mathemagix under the name Color. The two next lines export the routines named_color and invert_color under the same names. The type of the routines named_color and invert_color is automatically inferred by the gluing mechanism. The always template parameter is not really important for our simple example; below, we will see how to use it for the conditional definition of glue in the case of template types.

Whenever a new type is exported to Mathemagix, a few standard routines are required to be implemented for this type. In the case of our class color, the following routines must be provided:

nat hash (const color& c);

generic flatten (const color& c);

bool operator == (const color& c1, const color& c2);

bool operator != (const color& c1, const color& c2);

The first routine computes a hash value for c, where nat stands for unsigned int. The second flattening routine converts c to a generic expression; this routine will be used when printing a color. The last two routines implement equality testing. Notice that there are several types of equality in Mathemagix. In addition to the == and != operators, you may wish to define

bool hard_eq (const color& c1, const color& c2);

bool hard_neq (const color& c1, const color& c2);

bool eq (const color& c1, const color& c2);

bool neq (const color& c1, const color& c2);

The routine hard_eq is a fast test whether c1 and c2 are represented in the same way in memory. In the case of pointer objects like vectors, one typically tests whether the pointers match; in particular, two identical vectors which are stored at different locations would not be “hard equal”. The routine eq tests whether c1 and c2 are syntactically equal. Typically, the rational number 2/1 might be equal to the integer 1, without being syntactically equal.

2.2.Adding a template class

Let us now consider gluing a template class, such as list<C>. In this case, one typically has to write two glue definition routines. The first one is a template which might look as follows:

template<typename Cond, typename C> void

define_list () {

define_type<Cond,List > (gen ("List", type_name<C> ()));

define<Cond> ("list", empty_list<C>);

define<Cond> ("cons", cons<C>);

define<Cond> ("car", car<C>);

define<Cond> ("cdr", cdr<C>);

define<both<has<C,add_op>,Cond> > ("sum", sum<C>);


The first template parameter Cond is used for defining glue under certain conditions only. A typical use of this parameter is the last routine, which defines the sum of the elements of a list if and only if the type C admits an addition (more explanations on operator classes add_op will be given below). In absence of the condition, instanstation of define_list<C> for a type C without an addition, would try to instantiate sum<C>, leading to a compilation error.

Since C++ only allows us to instantiate the template define_list at compile time, we also need a second glue definition routine define_standard_list which performs the instantiation for a small number of frequently used types. This routine might look as follows:


define_standard_list () {

define_list<always,generic> ();

define_list<always,int> ();


Most template glue definition routines are in particular instantiated for the generic class of symbolic expressions. In addition, it can be useful to instantiate for a few other classes for which performance might be an issue. Notice that the define_list template should be distributed with the header files of your package: another library might which to instantiate the template for additional classes.

2.3.A short reference guide

The main routines for defining new types and routines are specified in glue.hpp. Here follows a short description:

void define_type<Cond,C> (const generic& name)

This routine conditionally declares a new C++ type C and exports as name. Whenever a new type is defined, a few other derived types are defined as well (see section ? below).

void define_constant<Cond,C> (const generic& name, const C& x)

This routine conditionally exports the constant C x as name.

void define_constructor<Cond,C> (generic (*fun) (const C&))

This routine conditionally exports a constructor fun for instances of type C.

void define<Cond,D> (const generic& name, D (*fun) ())
void define<Cond,D,S1> (const generic& name, D (*fun) (const S1&))
void define<Cond,D,S1,S2> (const generic& name, D (*fun) (const S1&, const S2&))

This routine conditionally exports a function fun as name.

void define_from_iterator<Cond,C> (const generic& name)

In the case when you implemented a constructor from tuple<C>, this routine allows you to define another constructor with a given name from iterator<C>.

void define_caster<Cond,D,S> ([D (*fun) (const S&) [, nat penalty ]])
void define_upgrader<Cond,D,S> ([D (*fun) (const S&) [, nat penalty ]])
void define_downgrader<Cond,D,S> ([D (*fun) (const S&) [, nat penalty ]])
void define_converter<Cond,D,S> ([D (*fun) (const S&) [, nat penalty ]])

This routine conditionally exports a type conversion routine fun: S->D (which defaults to the default converter from S to D). An optional penalty may be specified, which has the effect that conversion chains with the least penalty are preferred. The four different forms correspond to whether the converters are left and/or right transitive. Upgraders are used for automatic constructors (such as integer->rational) and downgraders for type inheritance (such as line_shape->shape). Casters cannot be composed with other converters and general converters can be composed with anyone else (except casters).

void define_primitive<Cond> (const generic& name, generic (*f) (const generic&))

This routine conditionally exports a language primitive f. The argument to the primitive is a tuple which is not evaluated before f is called. The primitive should take care of the possible evaluation of its arguments itself.

2.4.Implicitly glued classes

Whenever a new type C is defined by the user, a few other related types are added automatically. More precisely, Mathemagix will automatically define the following types:


This type is used for aliases to instances of type C (see alias.hpp). The alias<C> type plays a similar role as the C++ reference type C&, but there are some subtle differences. In Mathemagix, aliases are much slower, but more functional and powerful in nature. More precisely, alias<C> is an abstract class with two promises for read-access and write-access. In particular, an alias need not correspond to a physical location in memory. To understand one major difference, consider the following session:

Mmx ≫

v: Vector (Generic) := vector (1, 2, 3);

Mmx ≫

x == v[4]; ()

Mmx ≫

v := vector (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Mmx ≫



In C++, the second line would be incorrect. However, in Mathemagix, a read-access for v[4] is only performed at the last line, when computing x+1. Notice also that Mathemagix performs only a read-access for v[4], whereas C++ would typically perform a write-access (see remark ? below).


This type stands for a tuple of elements of type C. By defining a vector constructor using

define<Cond> ("vector", make_vector<C>);


template<typename C> vector<C> make_vector (const tuple<C>& t);

this will allow you to enter vectors in the Mathemagix interpreter using


alias<tuple<C> >

This type is also added, for coherence.

Remark 1. Concerning C++ references types, one should notice another subtlety when writing accessors for compound data types. For instance, consider the methods

template<typename C,typename T> C

table<C,T>::operator [] (const T& key) const;

template<typename C,typename T> C&

table<C,T>::operator [] (const T& key);

The overloading will allow for both read-access and write-access using the same syntax. However, it sometimes happens that you have a (non constant) table which corresponds to a global environment. In that case, any access to this table will be a write-access independently if you really perform some modifications of the table. This may lead to subtle errors if you really wanted to perform a read-access, since a write-access might actually modify the table (allocating a non existant key-value pair, for instance). This subtlety does not occur for the Mathemagix Alias<C> type.

2.5.Implicit conversions

The routines define_caster, define_upgrader, define_downgrader and define_converter allow the user to define automatic converters between different types. This facility is quite powerful, but has to be used with care: since automatic converters are applied in a very systematic way, they may even be applied in sitations which the user did not foresee.

First of all, the user has to carefully select between the four different types of converters: casters, upgraders, downgraders and converters. These types differ in the way they may be composed: casters are neither left nor right composable, upgraders are right composable, downgraders are left composable and converters are both left and right composable. Given a left composable converter B->C and an arbitrary converter A->B, Mathemagix automatically adds a converter A->C (which is left composable if A->B is left composable and right composable if B->C is right composable). Similarly, if A->B is right composable and B->C is arbitrary, then we add a converter A->C.

Typically, upgraders correspond to type constructors, such as Integer -> Rational or C -> Matrix(C). Similarly, downgraders correspond to type inheritance, such as Rectangle -> Shape, Sum_series(C) -> Series(C), etc. Casters are often used for converters which may involve some loss of data, such as Integer->Double. Left and right composable converters are rarely needed.

A second important property of a converter is the correponding penalty: when several conversion schemes can be used in order to apply a function to some arguments, the scheme with the lowest penalty will be preferred (here we notice that the penalty of a conversion (A,B)->(C,D) is the maximum of the penalties of the conversions A->C and B->D). Among all possible schemes with the lowest penalty, the most specialized function will be chosen (a type T is strictly more specialized than U if there exists a converter T->U but no converter U->T). If no conversion schemes can be found to apply the function, then it will be applied symbolically.

Currently, the following penalties are provided:

This corresponds to an exact match.
This corresponds to the penalty for automatic language-related conversions, such as Alias(C)->C.
This penalty should be used for conversions T->U, where T may be viewed as a mathematical subset of U. Example: Integer->Rational. This penalty is the default one for conversions T->U when T is different from Generic.
This penalty should be used for conversions T->U which can be viewed as mathematical homomorphisms, but not as inclusions. Examples: Integer->Int or, more generally, Integer->Modular(p).
Sometimes, two distinct libraries implement the same or a similar type. In that case, it may be interesting to provide automatic converters between these types (in both ways). Using the higher penalty PENALTY_VARIANT for this kind of conversions will ensure that operations are performed in the library of the types of the arguments, unless an implementation is only available in the other library.
This penalty should be used for all conversions which, even though convenient for the user, entail some loss of information. Example: Integer->Double.
For any type T, this is the penalty of the conversion T->Generic. Hence, if the user provides a generic fall back implementation of an operation, then this will be the penalty for the application of the fall back method.
Many composite types, such as Complexify(C), come with an inclusion C->Complexify(C). Although it is generally correct to use PENALTY_INCLUSION for the corresponding penalty, many unwanted conversions may arise when C=Generic. For this reason, the default penaly for conversions of the kind Generic->T is the maximal penalty PENALTY_PROMOTE_GENERIC.

Some common sources of bugs when using overloading and automatic conversions are the following:

  1. You specified an upgrader Generic->Polynomial(Generic), but addition on generic polynomials can not be applied so as to add one to a polynomial. The point here is that the penalty of the conversion Generic->Polynomial(Generic) should be the maximal penalty PENALTY_PROMOTE_GENERIC, which is larger than the penalty PENALTY_FALL_BACK for the symbolic addition of expressions. The solution to this problem is to implement the following two specialized additions:

        +: (Polynomial (Generic), Generic) -> Polynomial (Generic)
        +: (Generic, Polynomial (Generic)) -> Polynomial (Generic)

    Actually, these operations may be useful for other coefficient types than Generic, since they can usually be implemented in a particularly efficient way.

  2. You forgot to define a generic fall back method for some operation. Sometimes, your implementation may rely on the assumption that a given operation foo has no implementation, so that it will be applied symbolically. When providing an implementation of foo for some type, this assumption may suddenly be violated and provoke infinite loops or incorrect results. In that case, you should provide a default symbolic implementation for foo.

3.Categorial properties


Several common operations, such as addition, multiplication, etc., are exported over and over again by many different types. Mathemagix provides two abstractions to work more efficiently with such common operations: operator classes and categories. Categories reflect the usual mathematical categories to which different classes belong. For instance, integer both matches the ring_cat and ordering_cat. These abstractions have the following advantages:

  1. Similar operations on compound types can be factored in a single template which takes an operator class as additional parameter. For instance, one might define a template

    template<typename Op, typename C> vector<C>

    binary_operation (const vector<C>& v1, const vector<C>& v2);

    for a vectorial binary operation which acts componentwise. This allows us to define the addition on vectors as binary_operation<add_op,C>. Notice that the operator classes may come with additional static methods which easy the implementation of templates such as binary_operation.

  2. When exporting a standard operator to the glue, one may use simplified instructions, such as

    define_binary<always,mul_op,string> ();

    Categories allow for similar simplifications:

    define_ring<always,integer> ();

    define_ordering<always,integer> ();

  3. Categorial properties can be used for conditional glue definitions:

    define_ordering< has<C,ordering_cat>, vector<C> > ();

    Notice that a class which matches ring_cat is assumed to correspond to a mathematical ring. For instance, the addition should be commutative, etc. This rule is not strict, however, since it is convenient to regard the class double as a ring. Notice also that a class which matches both ring_cat and ordering_cat is not necessarily an ordered ring. In the future, we might added categories such as ordered_ring_cat if needed.

3.2.Operator and category based glue definitions

Operator and category based routines for glue definition can be found in category_glue.hpp. Here follows a short description of the provided functionality.

void define_unary<Cond,C,Op> ()

This routine conditionally exports the unary operator Op, considered as a function from C to C.

void define_binary<Cond,C,Op> ()

This routine conditionally exports the binary operator Op, considered as a function from (C,C) to C.

void define_test<Cond,C,Op> ()

This routine conditionally exports the binary test Op, considered as a function from (C,C) to bool.

The standard operator types are defined in operator.hpp. Each operator in particular knows about its name; therefore, the above routines need not provide an additional name argument. Glue definitions for standard categories are all of the form

void define_name<Cond,C> ()

This routine conditionally exports all routines from the category name.

The names of standard categories can be found in category_glue.hpp. Some frequently used categories are the following:

The category of rings, with operations + ,−,× as well as unary - .
The category of euclidean rings, with additional operations quo and rem.
An euclidean ring which is actual a field and provides the additional operations /.
A domain on which the elementary functions sqrt,pow,exp,log,cos,sin,tan,acos,asin and atan are defined.
An ordered domain (but not necessarily totally ordered) with operations ⩽,<,⩾,>.

3.3.Definition of categorial meta properties

Besides defining conditional glue routines, it is necessary to the define the categorial meta-properties of classes separately (it should be possible to avoid this double bookkeeping, but this is not easy to program reliably in C++). Categorial meta properties for a type such as integer should be defined in corresponding meta files integer_meta.hpp.

The file category_meta.hpp provides several macros which should be used for the definition of new meta properties. Any sequence of definitions should be enclosed in a block of the following form:

#define META_TYPE current_type_name

#define META_TMPL current_template_prefix

#define META_TPNM opt_typename_prefix

#define META_COND current_condition


#undef META_COND

#undef META_TPNM

#undef META_TMPL

#undef META_TYPE

The META_TYPE macro should refer to the current type to which your definitions will apply, e.g. vector<C> or integer. The META_TMPL macro stands for the corresponding template prefix, e.g. template<typename C> in the case of vector<C> and nothing in the case of integer. The optional typename prefix should be typename<> in the case of template types such as and left empty otherwise. The META_COND stands for the current conditions under which the meta definitions will be valid. In the case when different conditions are needed for different parts of the meta definitions, META_COND should be undefined and redefined.

The following meta definitions are available inside #define-#undef blocks of the above kind:


Declare that the current type has a given operation my_op or that it matches a given category my_cat.


Declare that the current type matches a given category and declare the corresponding operations. For instance the command HAS_RING() is equivalent to







Similar to HAS_CATEGORY, except that the declarations corresponding to BASE are omitted.

4.An alternative scheme for glue definition

So far, we have described how to define glue for new C++ classes or C++ template classes. When gluing other languages, it may be necessary to have a more direct control over the gluing process, by directly calling the glue definition methods of the abstract evaluator.


Let us start by giving more details on how expressions are evaluated in Mathemagix. The global variable current_ev contains the current evaluator which is used for the evaluation of expressions. All semantic operations (such as + , - , exp, derive, etc.) on instances of the generic type are performed using this current evaluator (some syntactic operations, such as eq, gen, etc. do not depend on the current evaluator). In addition, a generic expression can be explicitly evaluated using eval.

The current evaluator itself is an instance of the abstract evaluator class, whose interface is specified in evaluator.hpp. Mathemagix provides different evaluators:

New evaluators can be defined by the user, by proving a new concrete implementation of the virtual methods of the abstract evaluator.

Notice that it can be useful to locally change the current evaluator. This can be done using the following mechanism:

select_evaluator (my_evaluator);


restore_evaluator ();

For instance, in order to convert an arbitrary generic to an expression generic which can be printed out, we call the routine flatten using the output evaluator. Notice that the same mechaniusm can be used for other expression-based conversions. For instance, in order to transform a sparse polynomial into a dense one, one might construct a “dense polynomial evaluator” which evaluates scalars and the indetermine to dense polynomials and implements the ring operations on dense polynomials. It then suffices to flatten the sparse polynomial using the dense polynomial evaluator.

4.2.Glue definition methods of the abstract evaluator

5.Dynamically linked libraries

A package with a collection of types, routines and glue definition routines should be compiled into a dynamic library, which can then be loaded on the fly into the interpreter. Names of Mathemagix glue libraries should be of the form or and the principal glue definition routine for the library should carry the name define_name. Notice that C++ names are mangled, so you may need to declare define_name as a void (*) ().

In the subdirectories examples/fibonacci and examples/gaussian, you may find two simple examples on how to glue new code to Mathemagix. For larger projects, we refer to the documentation on coding conventions and how to add new packages.

5.1.Computing fibonacci numbers

Assume that we want to add a routine fibonacci for computing Fibonacci numbers to the glue. The file fibonnacci.cpp with the routine fibonacci and the corresponding glue definition routine would typically look at follows:

#include "glue.hpp"

using namespace mmx;


fibonacci (const int& n) {

if (n <= 1) return 1;

return fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2);



define_standard_fibonacci () {

define<always> ("fibonacci", fibonacci);


void (*define_fibonacci) () = define_standard_fibonacci;

The very last line is added to prevent name mangling of define_fibonacci. We may now compile the file fibonnacci.cpp into a shared library

g++ –shared ‘basix-config –cppflags –libs‘
    fibonacci.cpp -o

After putting the directory which contains in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you may now use the library from within Mathemagix:

Mmx ≫

use "fibonacci"

Mmx ≫



5.2.Complexified numbers

To be completed.

6.Exception handling

It is possible to catch exceptions occurring in glued C++ routines within the Mathemagix interpreter. In order to make this work, you should first configure Mathemagix using the (default) option –enable-exceptions. Next, your glue code may raise exceptions of the type mmx::exception.

In fact, it is better not to directly raise exceptions by yourself, but rather use the convenience macros defined in basix.hpp. Indeed, Mathemagix distinguishes two main kind of exceptions, whose default behaviour can be configured:

The two above types of exceptions both come with their corresponding macros. The following macros should be used for raising exceptions:


Raises the error message message.


Raises the error message message if the condition is not satisfied.


When compiling using –enable-verify, this macro raises the error message message if the condition is not satisfied.

7.The Mathemagix module system

Still to be written and documented.